
From Buddha-Nature

Sanskrit Noun


afflictive emotions

Basic Meaning
Often referred to as poisons, these are a class of disturbing or disruptive emotional states that when aroused negatively affect or taint the mind.

On this topic
Term Variations
Key Term kleśa
Topic Variation kleśa
Tibetan ཉོན་མོངས་  ( nyönmong)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration nyon mongs  ( nyönmong)
Devanagari Sanskrit क्लेश  ( klesha)
Romanized Sanskrit kleśa  ( klesha)
Chinese 煩惱
Chinese Pinyin fànnǎo
Japanese Transliteration bonnō
Buddha-nature Site Standard English afflictive emotions
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term affliction
Richard Barron's English Term afflictive emotion, emotionally tainted, afflictive state
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term affliction, afflictive emotions
Dan Martin's English Term afflictive emotion
Gyurme Dorje's English Term dissonant mental states
Ives Waldo's English Term emotional defilement
Term Information
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning Often referred to as poisons, these are a class of disturbing or disruptive emotional states that when aroused negatively affect or taint the mind.
Related Terms triviṣa
Term Type Noun
Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism See page 438: In Sanskrit, “afflictions,” or “defilements”; mental factors that disturb the mind and incite unwholesome (akuśala) deeds of body, speech, and/or mind. In order to be liberated from rebirth, the kleśa and the actions they incite must be controlled and finally eliminated. A typical Standard list of kleśa includes the so-called three poisons (trjviṣa) of greed or sensuality (rāga or lobha), hatred or aversion (dveṣa), and delusion (moha).
Tshig mdzod Chen mo (kleshaH) lus sems gdung ba'i dka' las sam ngal dub dang/ mi dge ba'i las bskul bas rang rgyud rab tu ma zhi bar byed pa'i sems byung/